Thursday, March 13, 2008

29th March - Earth Hour

everyone please mark this date on your calendars, the 29th of march. that very day from 8pm to 9pm is the earth hour. i can hear a lot of people asking bout what the heck is earth hour. earth hour is the hour to show a little support to our planet earth by opting to switch off your lights for that hour.

just turn off your lights for one hour to show support and to reduce global warming and climate change. this event was started last year by Sydney but this year, the event have gone global and major participation from 25 cities across the world is being planned and those cities include Chicage, San Francisco, Sydney, Manila, Bangkok, Toronto and many more. As of now, 7,097 businesses and 112,269 people have registered to participate in Earth Hour.

For more details, go to EARTH HOUR to read about this special event.
And while you're there, make sure to register your name kay

Please inform your friends, family and co-workers about this. The more people around the world who switch off their lights for just one hour, the bigger and more powerful message we can deliver. Every single light makes a statement and makes a difference. (extracted from the WWF email i received)

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