Tuned in to Episode 15 of
Malaysian Dreamgirl and I was real shock of the outcome in the end. This is the last elimination episode before the grand finale and three girls were sent home in this episode. It didn't turned out the way I expected.
Spoilers ahead....Don't scroll down if you haven't watched the episode yet.
And the Top 3 in Malaysian Dreamgirl are:
HanisFrom the 3 girls left in the show, I can't say they're undeserving but IMHO there're better girls among the final 6 girls.
Here's my take on who should have stayed on...
My first choice would be Jay. She's tall and her facial features are very defined and her body are to die for @_@ She's experienced and her pictures always turned out okay, if not superb. But her last photoshoot for Von Jolly was so-so, not her best...Nevertheless, her performance has been quite consistent throughout the competition and I really enjoy the fact that she has a mind of her own and a very matured and collected personality. And she carries herself very well and very well spoken too. That's why she's my top choice for Malaysian Dreamgirl, she got the whole package going for her.
The second choice would be Datin. Yup...she made it into the Top 3 and I'm glad she did. She have never been in the bottom 3 and it just goes to show that she have a very good group of supporters behind her. To me, she's pretty normal to tell you the truth. You could walk pass her and never know that she is Hanis. She's like the girl-next-door and just like people you see everyday in your life. You're unlikely to go "OH WOW" and be completely be mesmerized and having to pick up your jaw from the floor when you see her but maybe it's her bubbly personality that makes me root for her. But she earned good review from Andrew from Andrewsmodel
(you'll know what I'm talking about if you've watched Ep15) so I hope she wins this.
My third choice would be Eyna. Yes yes...I know she's not in the Top 6 but I'd never thought her elimination was justifiable. Despite her great pictures and the high opinions everybody have of her, she'd been in the bottom 3 for a number of episodes before her untimely elimination. She takes great pictures and her facial features are good. To me, she got model material. I don't admit to be an expert in fashion and modelling and maybe my opinions have been swayed by opinions from other individuals but what the heck, she takes great pictures.
So here's MY top 3 Dreamgirls:
EynaBut what's done, done. So we'll see how things go in the finale.
I'm rooting for Hanis...What about you?